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Drama at Key Stage 3 enables students to enter into the fictional drama context and discover its possibilities. At this level, the emphasis is upon working with co-operation, empathy and understanding of others. Our aim is to foster the confidence needed to assume a role and to create an atmosphere where ideas, feelings and experiences can be strongly expressed and positively experienced.

Key Stage 4 students follow the Cambridge IGCSE Drama syllabus. Study, at this stage, enables a growth in personal adaptability and the ability to co-operate with others creatively. It gives insights into real life circumstances and develops the ability to decide what course is likely to lead to resolving the problems that occur – primarily in making the drama, but ultimately in applying these problem-solving skills to real life situations.

Drama at all levels, but in particular at IGCSE, can enable understanding of many subjects. English literature is most definitely assisted as Drama supports appreciating plot, setting, theme, and discernment of sub text.

Many lawyers, politicians and of course those who opt for careers in the entertainment industry, owe a good deal of their oratory and analytical success to Drama study.